What are the types of Vouchers & Promo Codes in inPersona and where do I find them?

InPersona offers Voucher or Codes that you can find in your inPersona DApp Shop>Vouchers & Promos> Profile.

List of active Vouchers and Promo Codes:

  • NODExxxxx (To activate Nodes)

To use in the SocialHub Console Section of the inPersona Shop:

  • GMCxxxxx (100% off SocialHub Console) - usable until June 30th at 11:59 PM SGT
  • HBxxxxxx (100% off SocialHub Console) - usable until June 30th at 11:59 PM SGT

To use in the Legacy Section of the inPersona Shop:

  • NFTUPxxxx (Data NFT Owner upgrade)


  • GFxxxxx (100% off Data-NFT Level 3+ SocialHub Console*) - usable until April 30th 11:59 PM SGT
  • L2Nxxxxx (100% off Data-NFT Level 2 + SocialHub Console*) - usable until April 30th 11:59 PM SGT
  • SEEDVxxxxx ($299 value) - usable until April 30th at 11:59 PM SGT

  • SEEDxxxx  (SEED feature activation) - usable until April 30th at 11:59 PM SGT
  • NFTBxxxx --> (Data NFT Owner Basic) - Discontinued

Please Note:

* Each member can have only one SocialHub Console per profile.

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