How do I add $USDV to my wallet?

Here are the general steps to add $USDV to your in-persona crypto wallet:

Metamask Wallet

1. Log into Metamask Wallet.

2. Click on the drop-down "Networks" menu on the top right, choose Vyvo Smart Chain network and click the "Add network" button.

3. Select the "Assets" tab and click on the 'Import Tokens' link at the bottom of the page.


4. Insert the Token contact address of your choice in the "Token contact address" field (watch list below). Click on the 'Import Tokens' button located at the bottom of pop up page.


5. The tokens will be added to your wallet.


Here is the list of Token addresses you can chose from:

  • VSC (Vyvo Smart Chain)
    $USDV Contract: 0x9A5350EDf28c1f93bb36D6E94B5c425fDE8e222d
  • Polygon Network
    $USDV Contract: 0xA380c0B01aD15C8cf6b46890BdDab5F0868e87f3
    Desktop Only: Click here to be redirected to the page to add $VSC to your Metamask wallet.
  • Binance (Binance Smart Chain)
    $USDV Contract: 0x9A5350EDf28c1f93bb36D6E94B5c425fDE8e222d
    Desktop Only: Click here to be redirected to the page to add $VSC to your Metamask wallet.


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