What payment methods can I choose from on inPersona Shop?

  • Credit Card: You can use credit and debit cards from Visa or MasterCard.

You can add, edit, or delete your information during the checkout process. Select one credit or debit card for the payment of your order.

For your security, inPersona may require you to enter your 3-digit card identification number (CVV/CVC) on certain orders for Visa and Mastercard cards. Please have a look below for help with credit card identification numbers.

Visa card security code:

Your Security Code/CID (Card Identification Number) is in the signature area on the back of the card (it is the last 3 digits AFTER the credit card account number). Visa/Mastercard customers' CIDS are 3 digits.

  • Odee Wallet: You can use the available USDV balance in your integrated Odee wallet. 

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